Fire Extinguisher inspection/testing can cost $40-$100. Check your nearest station to see about free recharging. Shipping and handling is included in the pricing. All products are inspected before shipping.
Fire Extinguishers and Safety equipment online
Fire Extinguisher Classes (A,B,C,D,K)
Class A Fire Extinguishers are for Ordinary Combustibles i.e. Wood, Cloth, Paper, Rubber, Plastics and other materials that burn easily.
Class B Fire Extinguishers are for Flammable Liquids i.e. Gasoline, Oil, Grease, Tar, Oil-based Paint, Lacquer (a hard and shiny coating or finish applied to wood or metal) and flammable gas.
Class C Fire Extinguishers are for Electrical Equipment i.e. Fuse Boxes, Circuit Breakers, machinery and appliances.
Class D Fire Extinguishers are for all Combustible Metals i.e. Calcium, Cesium, Cerium, Lithium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Gallium, Potassium Hydride, Zinc Phosphide, Sodium Borohydride.
Class K Fire Extinguishers are specially designed to fight Kitchen Fires caused by cooking oils and oil covered wiring/machinery with a extra soapy foam that smothers the fire (Saponification).
How to use a fire extinguisher...

Pull the pin
Aim the nozzle at the base of the fire
Squeeze the operating handle to release the extinguishing agent
Sweep from side to side at the base of the fire until it goes out